Solar Magnetic Field Extrapolation

This is an affiliated package for the AstroPy package. The documentation for this package is here:

solarbextrapolation.extrapolators Package


Extrapolators(map_magnetogram, **kwargs) Common class for all 3D vector field extrapolation routines.
PotentialExtrapolator(map_magnetogram, **kwargs) This is a greens function for extrapolating the potential (scalar) field above a given magnetogram.

Class Inheritance Diagram

Inheritance diagram of solarbextrapolation.extrapolators.base.Extrapolators, solarbextrapolation.extrapolators.potential_field_extrapolator.PotentialExtrapolator

solarbextrapolation.preprocessors Package


Preprocessors(map_data, **kwargs) A common class for all 2D pre-processing routines, tools used to pre-process the 2D sunpy map data for use in extrapolations.

Class Inheritance Diagram

Inheritance diagram of solarbextrapolation.preprocessors.base.Preprocessors

solarbextrapolation.analyticalmodels Package


AnalyticalModel(**kwargs) Common class for the development of anylitical models of magnetic fields.

Class Inheritance Diagram

Inheritance diagram of solarbextrapolation.analyticalmodels.base.AnalyticalModel

solarbextrapolation.utilities Module


decompose_ang_len(qua_input, **kwargs) Function to help decompose quantities that have an equivilence between angles and length, such as photospheric observational angles and object sizes.
si_this_map_OLD(map) Basic function to create a deep copy of a map but with all units in SI.
si_this_map(map) Basic function to create a deep copy of a map but with all units in SI.

solarbextrapolation.map3dclasses Module


Map3D(data, meta, **kwargs) A basic data structure for holding a 3D numpy array of floats or 3-float vectors and metadata.
Map3DCube(*args, **kwargs) A basic data structure for holding a list of Map3D objects.
Map3DComparer(map3D, *args, **kwargs)
Class for comparrison of vector fields.

Class Inheritance Diagram

Inheritance diagram of solarbextrapolation.map3dclasses.Map3D, solarbextrapolation.map3dclasses.Map3DCube, solarbextrapolation.map3dclasses.Map3DComparer