Source code for solarbextrapolation.map3dclasses

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# General Imports
import matplotlib as mpl
mpl.use('TkAgg') # Force mpl backend not to use qt. Else we have a conflict.
import numpy as np
import pickle
import time
from datetime import datetime
from collections import namedtuple
import warnings
import inspect
from copy import deepcopy
#from sunpy.sun._constants import physical_constants as con

# SunPy imports
from sunpy.sun import constants, sun
from sunpy.time import parse_time, is_time
from astropy.table import Table
import astropy.units as u

# Internal imports
from .utilities import *

__all__ = ["Map3D", "Map3DCube", "Map3DComparer"]

[docs]class Map3D(object): """ A basic data structure for holding a 3D numpy array of floats or 3-float vectors and metadata. The structure can be saved/loaded (using pickle ATM). Parameters ---------- data : `numpy.array` The numpy array containing the numerical data. meta : `dictionary` The container for additional information about the data in this object. Where: * x/y/zrange: the max/min spacial positions along the given axis. * x/yobsrange: the observational data range, often in arcsec. * cdelt1/2/3: the size of each pixel in each axis. * unit1/2/3: the spacial units in each axis. * naxis1/2/3: the number of pixels in each axis. """ def __init__(self, data, meta, **kwargs): = data self.meta = meta self.xrange = kwargs.get('xrange', [ 0, data.shape[1] ] * u.pixel) self.yrange = kwargs.get('yrange', [ 0, data.shape[0] ] * u.pixel) self.zrange = kwargs.get('zrange', [ 0, data.shape[2] ] * u.pixel) self.xobsrange = kwargs.get('xobsrange', self.xrange) self.yobsrange = kwargs.get('yobsrange', self.yrange) # Add some general properties to the metadata dictionary self.meta['xrange'] = self.xrange self.meta['yrange'] = self.yrange self.meta['zrange'] = self.zrange self.meta['cdelt1'] = ((self.xrange[1] - self.xrange[0]) /[1]).value self.meta['cdelt2'] = ((self.yrange[1] - self.yrange[0]) /[0]).value self.meta['cdelt3'] = ((self.zrange[1] - self.zrange[0]) /[2]).value # Note: should be reversed to fortran array indexing self.meta['cunit1'] = self.xrange.unit self.meta['cunit2'] = self.yrange.unit self.meta['cunit3'] = self.zrange.unit self.meta['naxis1'] =[1] self.meta['naxis2'] =[0] self.meta['naxis3'] =[2] if kwargs.get('date_obs', False): self.meta['date-obs'] = kwargs.get('date_obs') self.meta['rsun_ref'] = kwargs.get('rsun_ref', constants.radius.value) if kwargs.get('dsun_obs', False): self.meta['dsun_obs'] = kwargs.get('dsun_obs') if kwargs.get('bunit', False): self.meta['bunit'] = kwargs.get('bunit') # For alignment with the boundary data self.meta['xobsrange'] = self.xobsrange self.meta['yobsrange'] = self.yobsrange @property def is_scalar(self, **kwargs): """ Returns true if data is a volume of scalar values (3D array) or false if it is a volume of vector values (4D array). """ return (True if is 3 else False) @property def units(self, **kwargs): """ Image coordinate units along the x, y and z axes (cunit1/2/3). """ # Define a triple, a named tuple object for returning values Triple = namedtuple('Triple', 'x y z') return Triple(u.Unit(self.meta.get('cunit1', 'pix')), u.Unit(self.meta.get('cunit2', 'pix')), u.Unit(self.meta.get('cunit3', 'pix'))) @property def scale(self, **kwargs): """ Image scale along the x, y and z axes in units/pixel (cdelt1/2/3) """ # Define a triple, a named tuple object for returning values from collections import namedtuple Triple = namedtuple('Triple', 'x y z') ''' return Triple(u.Unit(self.meta.get('cdelt1', 'arcsec')), u.Unit(self.meta.get('cdelt1', 'arcsec')), u.Unit(self.meta.get('cdelt2', 'arcsec'))) ''' return Triple(self.meta.get('cdelt1', 1.) * self.units.x / u.pixel, self.meta.get('cdelt2', 1.) * self.units.y / u.pixel, self.meta.get('cdelt3', 1.) * self.units.z / u.pixel) @property def rsun_meters(self, **kwargs): """Radius of the sun in meters""" return u.Quantity(self.meta.get('rsun_ref', constants.radius), 'meter') @property def date(self, **kwargs): """Image observation time""" time = parse_time(self.meta.get('date-obs', 'now')) if time is None: warnings.warn("Missing metadata for observation time. Using current time.", Warning) return parse_time(time) @property def dsun(self, **kwargs): """ The observer distance from the Sun. """ dsun = self.meta.get('dsun_obs', None) if dsun is None: warnings.warn("Missing metadata for Sun-spacecraft separation: assuming Sun-Earth distance", Warning) dsun = sun.sunearth_distance( return u.Quantity(dsun, 'm') # #### I/O routines #### #
[docs] @classmethod def load(self, filepath, **kwargs): """ Load a Map3D instance using pickle. """ loaded = pickle.load( open( filepath, "rb" ) ) return loaded
[docs] def save(self, filepath, filetype='auto', **kwargs): """ Saves the Map3D object to a file. Currently uses Python pickle. In the future support will be added for saving to other formats. Parameters ---------- filepath : string Location to save file to. filetype : string 'auto' or any supported file extension """ #io.write_file(filepath,, self.meta, filetype=filetype, # **kwargs) pickle.dump(self, open( filepath, "wb" ), **kwargs)
from sunpy.util import expand_list
[docs]class Map3DCube: """ A basic data structure for holding a list of Map3D objects. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): # Hack to get around Python 2.x not backporting PEP 3102. #sortby = kwargs.pop('sortby', 'date') #derotate = kwargs.pop('derotate', False) self.maps = expand_list(args) for m in self.maps: if not isinstance(m, Map3D): raise ValueError( 'CompositeMap expects pre-constructed map objects.') def __getitem__(self, key, **kwargs): """ Overriding indexing operation. If the key results in a single map, then a map object is returned. This allows functions like enumerate to work. Otherwise, a mapcube is returned. """ if isinstance(self.maps[key], Map3D): return self.maps[key] else: return Map3DCube(self.maps[key]) def __len__(self, **kwargs): """ Return the number of maps in a mapcube. """ return len(self.maps)
[docs] def all_maps_same_shape(self, **kwargs): """ Tests if all the 3D maps have the same shape. """ return np.all([ == self.maps[0].data.shape for m in self.maps])
[docs]class Map3DComparer(object): """ | Class for comparrison of vector fields. | There are two classification of test: | * **Mono**: returns a value for a given vector field. Can be normalized to the benchmark field. | * **Binary**: requires comparrison between two vector fields. | By default: | * Benchmark field is the first/original vector field. This is used as the baseline for comparrison. This can be changed using the ``benchmark=n`` kwarg. | * Normalise will be set to false. | Individual tests can be run and return results for imediate viewing (using astropy.table). | Likewise, compare_all can be used to run the whole series of tests. | Note: all vector fields must be of the same shape. """ def __init__(self, map3D, *args, **kwargs): # Use all the user parameters self.maps_list = map3D + expand_list(args) self.benchmark = kwargs.get('benchmark', 0) # Defaults to the first vector field in the list self.normalise = kwargs.get('normalise', False) # The table to store the test results self.results = Table(names=('extrapolator routine', 'extrapolation duration', 'fig of merit 1'), meta={'name': '3D field comparison table'}, dtype=('S24', 'f8', 'f8')) t['time (ave)'].unit = u.s # An empty table for the results: #N = len(self.maps_list) #t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7 = [None] * N, [None] * N, [None] * N, [None] * N, [None] * N, [None] * N, [None] * N #self.results = Table([t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7], names=('l-infinity norm', 'test 2', 'test 3', 'test 4', 'test 5', 'test 6', 'test 7'), meta={'name': 'Results Table'}) #self.results_normalised = Table([t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7], names=('l-infinity norm', 'test 2', 'test 3', 'test 4', 'test 5', 'test 6', 'test 7'), meta={'name': 'Results Table'}) # Ensure that the input maps are all the same type and shape. for m in self.maps_list:#self.maps: # Check that this is a Map3D object. if not isinstance(m, Map3D): raise ValueError( 'Map3DComparer expects pre-constructed map3D objects.') # Compare the shape of this Map3D to the first in the Map3D list. if not == self.maps_list[0]: raise ValueError( 'Map3DComparer expects map3D objects with identical dimensions.') def _normalise(): """ Return the normalised table. """ # Get the benchmark extrapolation result. row_benchmark = self.results[self.benchmark] # Create a copy of the table tbl_output = deepcopy(self.results) for row in tbl_output: for val, val_benchmark in zip(row, row_benchmark): # If the value is a float then normalise. if type(val) == np.float64 or type(val) == np.float32 or type(val) == np.float16: val = val / val_benchmark
[docs] def L_infin_norm(map_field, benchmark, **kwargs): """ l-infinity norm of the vector field. For vector field :math:`\bfx` this would be: .. math:: \| \mathbf{x} \| \infty = \sqrt[\infty]{\Sigma_i x_i^\infty} \approx \text{max}(|x_i|) (the malue of the maximum component) From: """ # Placeholder for the maximum value. output = - 10.0**15 # Iterate through the volume ni, nj, nk, D = map_field.shape for i in range(0, ni): for j in range(0, nj): for k in range(0, nk): # Get the sum of the components component_sum = 0.0 for component in map_field[i][j][k]: component_sum += component # If this is bigger then the current max value. if output < component_sum: output = component_sum # Output return output
[docs] def compare_all(self, **kwargs): """ Compare all of the given vector fields and return the results as an astropy.table. """ #num_tests = 1 #num_maps = len(self.maps) #arr_data = np.zeros([num_tests, num_maps]) # For each given 3D field, run all the tests and add a row to the table. for map3D in self.maps: # Get the data arr_data = # Store the results from each test for this field. lis_results = [ map3D.meta.get('extrapolator_routine', 'Unknown Routine'), map3D.meta.get( 'extrapolator_duration', 0.0 ) ] # Run through all the tests and append results to the list. lis_results.append(self.L_infin_norm(arr_data)) # Now add the results to the table. self.results.add_row(lis_results) if self.normalise: self.results_normalised else: self.results